Forming A Company In Wyoming

Start Your Business The Right Way

When forming an LLC or corporation, businesses have the option to incorporate in any state, regardless of their physical location. However, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each state before making a decision, as different states may offer different benefits and drawbacks. Factors to consider may include incorporation fees, tax laws, legal protection, and ease of incorporation. By weighing these factors and consulting with legal and financial professionals, businesses can choose the state that is most beneficial to their specific needs and goals.

Forming an LLC or Corporation in Wyoming 

While Delaware is often associated with LLCs, it is important to note that Wyoming was actually the birthplace of this business entity. In the late 1970s, the Wyoming legislature introduced the LLC, which quickly gained popularity and revolutionized the way businesses operate in the United States. The LLC was officially established in Wyoming in 1977. It is important for businesses to be aware of the various states that offer LLCs as a business structure and to carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks of each state when making a decision about where to incorporate.

Wyoming does not have an individual income tax. Wyoming also does not have a corporate income tax.

Wyoming does not tax out-of-state income, which means that even if the majority of your business is conducted elsewhere, it won’t be taxed by the state.

To entice LLCs and Corporations, the filing fees and franchise taxes are low in comparison to other states.

When you form an LLC or a Corporation in Wyoming, there is no business income tax or franchise tax to pay.

Wyoming also offers lifetime proxy, which means you can appoint someone else to represent your stock or shares and vote on your behalf. This allows the legal owner of the shares or stock to remain completely anonymous.

Wyoming is the best State in the USA for Owner and Shareholder Privacy! Wyoming allows you to form your company privately.

Wyoming offers business entity structures for small businesses called the “Statutory Close Corporation” for corporations with a limited number of shareholders and the “Statutory Close LLC” for LLCs with a limited number of members. This option is available to Wyoming LLCs and corporations with 35 or fewer members or shareholders and may be appealing to family-owned businesses or small business partnerships. Statutory close companies have fewer regulations and can operate in a more informal manner similar to a partnership. This structure is often chosen by entrepreneurs and founders in Wyoming due to its flexibility and simplicity. The Wyoming Close Corporation allows small companies to bypass some traditional corporate formalities, such as electing a board of directors or holding annual meetings, yet still keeping the more prestigious C-Corporation business entity type.

For international, non-US entrepreneurs and founders, forming a Wyoming LLC or C-Corporation may be a cost-effective and convenient option. The process of forming and maintaining a business in Wyoming is typically less expensive than in Delaware and requires minimal annual filing requirements. This simplicity may be attractive for businesses seeking to minimize their costs and administrative burden.

While it is true that we are a Wyoming C-Corporation, it is important to note that there are several valid reasons why forming a business in Wyoming may be a desirable option for some businesses. These may include the cost-effective and straightforward process of forming and maintaining a business in the state, as well as the favorable business environment and legal protections offered by Wyoming.

It is important for businesses to carefully consider their specific needs and goals and consult with legal and financial professionals before making a decision about the appropriate state of incorporation. If you are unsure whether forming a Delaware company is the right decision for you please click one of the options below to find out more or seek professional advice.

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When choosing a name for a business in the United States, it is important to consider a few key factors including availability, distinctiveness, legality and branding.

If you are setting up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation, you will also need to include a designator (suffix) in your business name, such as “LLC” or “INC.” This will help to differentiate your business from other types of legal entities.

Please click here to find out more.

It is not easy to determine which type of business entity, an LLC or corporation, is best for you as it depends on multiple factors such as your business goals, the nature of your business, and your individual circumstances.

As a general rule, forming an LLC in your home state is often the best option for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are just starting a business to the United States.

However, while an LLC can be an excellent choice for U.S. residents, it may not be the most suitable option for non-U.S. individuals. For international entrepreneurs looking to establish a business in the U.S., we strongly recommend considering a Wyoming C-Corp or Wyoming Close C-Corp as a potentially better alternative.

If you are a U.S. person / U.S. resident please click here to find out more.

If you are a non-U.S. person / non-U.S. resident please click here to find out more.

Wyoming is a leading incorporation domicile due to low fees, no taxes, simple filing and maintenance requirements along with allowing anonymous LLCs and corporations.

For more information please click here.

If you are a U.S. resident living outside of Delaware or Wyoming, the best state to form your business depends on several factors. For U.S. citizens or permanent residents, it is generally beneficial to form the business entity in your home state, particularly when starting out. That said, Wyoming is also an excellent choice for many businesses.

If privacy and anonymity are priorities, establishing a Holding Company in a state like Wyoming might be a better option. Holding Companies can select their domicile freely, as they are typically not considered to be transacting business unless they engage in activities beyond holding and leasing assets.

For further information, click here.

Common choices for a holding company (a.k.a parent company) are Wyoming, Delaware, New Mexico and Nevada. Wyoming is currently the leading state to form a Holding Company (LLC or Corporation) due to the specific statutes, anonymity, asset protection and comparatively low fees.

Please click here to find out more.

In order to incorporate in Wyoming, you need to have a company name, business address, registered agent, share count, par value, and incorporator. These are the only requirements by law to establish a corporation.

For more information please click here.

Yes, as a non-U.S. person / Non-U.S. resident / International Entrepreneur / International Founder / Digital Nomad you can form an LLC or C-Corp in the United States. In fact, it is not even necessary to physically visit the U.S.A, as it is possible to set up your LLC or C-Corp online.

Please click here to find out more.

You don’t need an SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number or a Federal Business Tax ID, is used to identify a business entity not an individual. You only need an SSN (or ITIN) if you want to apply for an EIN online with the IRS.

We have business formation packages for Non-U.S. owner(s) that includes EIN application for a discounted fee of $150. You can also hire us to obtain your EIN from the IRS for a fee of $175.

An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain, a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA). ITINs are issued to foreign nationals and others who have federal tax reporting or filing requirements and do not qualify for SSNs.

The first step is to get an EIN from the IRS. You cannot open up a U.S. bank account without an EIN for your LLC or Corporation.

The easiest option is to opening up a business bank account online with a Fintech company like Mercury, Novel etc.

Another solution is to visit the United States yourself.

For other options and more information to open up a U.S. business bank account please click here.

Wyoming is a leading incorporation provider with low fees and no corporate income taxes. Delaware is generally only used by those raising venture capital or looking to go public.

For more information please click here.

How Triple B Business can help in starting your new company?

The fastest, easiest way to start your new company? Hire us and get everything you need: registered agent service, privacy, free mail forwarding, and the guidance of local experts.

We currently offer Business Formation Services only in the States of Wyoming and Delaware because these two great states offer multitude of advantages to new small business owners.

Here’s how you can start the process with Triple B Business today in 3 easy steps:


Tell Us Your Business Name

If you have already decided your new business name then simply enter it on our form. We will perform a free name search for you with the state.


Answer A Few Questions.

Answer a few questions and enter the required information on our business formation form. If we have any questions then we will get back to you.


We Will File Your Paperwork

We will complete your paperwork and be off to the races filing your new company with the state.

Don’t Wait

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